Eine Frau sitzt laechelnd auf einem Bett und haelt einen kleinen roten Gymnastikball, was auf Coaching und Gesundheit hindeutet.

1:1 Coaching Program
for people with fibromyalgia

Will we make your pain, exhaustion, or fatigue disappear with a snap of the fingers and magical potions? Certainly not.

But there are many ways to signal your body to “regenerate” or “become healthy.”


How do you want to feel again?


Restful Sleep

Imagine sleeping deeply and soundly, waking up in the morning with renewed energy.


Easier Everyday Life

Your daily household tasks become easier to manage again.


Time with Family

Playing with your children or grandchildren without pain holding you back.


Running Errands

Walking through the supermarket with energy and without exhaustion.


Clarity at Work

Thinking clearly at work again and developing creative solutions.


Time for Yourself

Finally enjoy relaxation again with a strengthened sense of well-being.

Hi, I’m Kerstin, a Certified Fibromyalgia Advisor® and a Certified Fibromyalgia Coach®-in-Training.

Maybe you know my general mantra: “Movement is possible anywhere. You just need to develop the habit of doing it.”

That’s easier said than done when you’re currently too exhausted to take even a few steps. We, as people with fibromyalgia, sometimes feel so drained that it seems like we’ve already run a marathon just by finishing breakfast.

I know how you feel because I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia myself in 2019. Over the past few years, I’ve tried, discarded, and adjusted many things to reach the point where I feel as good as I do now.

I’ve spent countless hours in doctors’ waiting rooms and nearly emptied my bank account on acupuncture, alternative medicine, and other treatments – none of which really helped me long-term.

It wasn’t until I started working with my own fibro coach in 2022 that I truly committed to applying all the things I had known for years but never found the “time” to do consistently.

To help you feel better, too, I pursued the same training – becoming a Certified Fibromyalgia Advisor® and currently studying to become a Certified Fibromyalgia Coach®.

Laechelnde Frau In Sportkleidung Vor Bunter Wand.

Learn – Adapt – Grow – Thrive

Frau entspannt sich auf einem Bett, umgeben von dekorativen Kissen und einer Decke.

Act Consciously

Recognize your physical limits while developing gentle habits for everyday life.

Frau Sitzt In Einem Café Mit Einem Getraenk Und Laechelt In Die Kamera.

Personalized Support

Learn to make small adjustments that create real improvements for you.

Person sitzt draußen auf einem Baumstamm und laechelt in die Kamera, umgeben von gruenem Rasen und Baeumen.

Optimize Your Lifestyle

Discover how simple lifestyle changes can have a big impact.

Expertin Fuer Fibromyalgie Kerstin Goldstein Mit Einer Yogamatte Im Freien

Up-to-Date Expertise

Benefit from the International Fibromyalgia Coaching Institute in the USA. 

What to expect?

  • I share my personal experiences in managing my fibromyalgia with you.
  • I regularly consult with other fibromyalgia coaches about the most effective methods.
  • Scientifically based support from the International Fibromyalgia Coaching Institute (IFCI) in the USA.
Frau hebt die Arme vor einer terrassierten Landschaft und Bergen, symbolisierend Freiheit und Wohlbefinden.
Eine Frau Macht Eine Yoga Uebung an einem Strand

What does your 1:1 Program look like?

  • 3–12 months of personalized collaboration with me
  • 3x per month 1:1 meetings via Zoom
  • Ongoing communication via email and WhatsApp

In the first three months, we typically focus on helping you regain your strength. We address the most pressing issues in your current situation. Once you have more energy, we work on your daily life, how you handle certain situations, and deepen key building blocks that bring more ease to your life with fibromyalgia.

Every person with fibromyalgia is different. Together, we design the program to fit you, your needs, and your limitations. 

Who is the 1:1 Coaching program NOT suitable for?

  • You do not want to make any changes to how you go about your daily life.
  • You find it very difficult to work on yourself, your thoughts, or your activities.
  • You have no way to conduct video calls via Zoom.

I’m happy to support you … But the most important thing is: You have to want it too!

FibromFrau sitzt in sportlicher Kleidung auf einem Berg mit nebliger Landschaft im Hintergrund.

Encouraging Feedback.

Do you have questions?
I have answers!

Book a Free introductory call

Reserve a free introductory appointment through my calendar, where we will find out together if the 1:1 coaching program and my guidance are the right fit for you. In our conversation, we’ll determine how I can support you in feeling better with fibromyalgia.

Our call will take place via Zoom, allowing us not only to hear each other but also to see one another and get a better sense of connection.

When we get to know each other, I will learn more about you, your current situation, and your experiences with fibromyalgia. At the end of our conversation, we will discuss what our collaboration could look like and how the pricing is structured.

  • Curiosity and Interest – A willingness to try new things and reinforce what is familiar but may have been forgotten.
  • Awareness that medical care is important but only the foundation for improving your fibromyalgia.
  • You have to be “coachable”, i.e. accept that nothing changes without change and that coaching is an investment of time and money in yourself.
  • Laptop | Tablet with a Zoom-compatible internet connection

That depends entirely on what we discuss in our introductory conversation. Some of my clients need more intensive support than others, so it’s difficult to give you an exact outline without knowing more about you.

What I can tell you in advance is that we typically meet three times per month live via Zoom to discuss strategies that will support your fibromyalgia management. You will receive “homework” from me – small tasks designed to help you feel better step by step.

Between our Zoom sessions, you can message me anytime if you need a quick answer that can’t wait until our next meeting.

Some clients also like to send me short messages to update me on whether they followed through with something we discussed. This helps you stay accountable and committed to taking action.

That also depends entirely on you. Every person with fibromyalgia has different “construction sites” and different challenges.

My coaching consists of 3 pillars. We will discuss together which of these pillars will receive the most attention.

Pillar 1: Medical care / medication / dietary supplements if necessary

Pillar 2: Self-care / daily routine / recharge your batteries

Pillar 3: Fascia, the forgotten key to limiting physical pain

What is the difference between the 1:1 Coaching and the movement programs?

In my “Fit by Intuition” online movement programs, you see me virtually in pre-recorded videos. You also receive regular emails to support your return to a gentle, fibro-friendly exercise routine. However, you do not have me available 1:1.

The 1:1 coaching is not personal training, but rather a coaching program where we discuss different topics. That said, I do incorporate movement into the program for most of my clients at some point. My main goal is to help you feel so much better through our coaching that movement becomes natural and enjoyable for you again.

In the 1:1 coaching program, we work specifically on your personal fibromyalgia journey and challenges—whether it’s poor sleep, concentration issues, fatigue, or anything else. You have access to all my knowledge, along with insights from my community of fibro coach colleagues at the International Fibromyalgia Coaching Institute.

I will personally encourage you, slow you down when needed, uplift and motivate you, and, if necessary, give you a loving push when you’re procrastinating on important steps. Whatever it takes to help you improve your life with fibromyalgia, I’ll be by your side.

In the online movement programs and personal training, the focus is on movement.

In the 1:1 coaching program, the goal is for you to feel better with your fibromyalgia.

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Eine Frau im roten Kleid steht vor einem ruhigen Gewaesser mit gruener Umgebung.