“Fit by Intuition“
Better quality of life for people with fibromyalgia
“Fit by intuition” means that you listen to your body and intuitively align yourself with what your body wants to tell you at that moment.
You pay attention to your current physical and mental state because you are aware that your body is a treasure that needs to be loved and strengthened.
How do you want to feel again?
Restful Sleep
Imagine sleeping deeply and soundly, waking up in the morning with renewed energy.
Easier Everyday Life
Your daily household tasks become easier to manage again.
Time with Family
Playing with your children or grandchildren without pain holding you back.
Running Errands
Walking through the supermarket with energy and without exhaustion.
Clarity at Work
Thinking clearly at work again and developing creative solutions.
Time for Yourself
Finally enjoy relaxation again with a strengthened sense of well-being.
Hi, I’m Kerstin, Certified Fibromyalgia Advisor® and Certified Fibromyalgia Coach®-in-Training.
Perhaps you know my general mantra: “You can move anywhere. You just have to develop the habit of doing it”.
This is easier said than done if you are currently too exhausted to take even a few steps. Some days, we people with fibromyalgia are so exhausted that we feel like we’ve already run a marathon by the time we’ve finished breakfast.
I know how you feel because I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia myself in 2019. Over the last few years, I’ve tried, rejected and changed a lot of things in order to feel as good as I feel now.
I’ve sat in doctors’ waiting rooms countless times, spent half a bank account on acupuncture, alternative practitioners, alternative medical and non-medical methods, none of which have been THE solution long-term.
It wasn’t until I started working with my own Fibro-Coach in 2022 that I got behind implementing all the things that I had known for years but never found the “time” to do regularly. To help you feel better, I did the same training as a Certified Fibromyalgia Advisor® and currently as a Certified Fibromyalgia Coach® -in-Training.

“Fit by Intuition”
Exercise programs (online courses)
Would you like to become more active again? Then the following fibro-friendly online exercise programs are available to you:

Option 1:
“Fit by Intuition” Starter Program
Training time: 1 minute
You start with the 30-day STARTER program. The STARTER program is ideal for you if you haven’t exercised for a while or if you lack a regular routine. I created it specifically to help you get back into an exercise routine. You invest 60 seconds of time every day for ONE exercise, which you perform flexibly at a time of your choice during the day.

Option 2:
“Fit by Intuition” Easy Workouts
Training time: 5 minutes
Once you have completed the starter program or feel fit enough to do so, you can move on to the next level:
In my EASY WORKOUTS program, your easy-to-perform exercise videos are each 5 minutes long and step by step you build up more fitness, strength and flexibility so that you can go about your everyday life with more ease.

Option 3:
“Fit by Intuition” Pilates
Training time: 15 minutes
Have you managed to get your body to do 15 minutes of enjoyable exercise? Great! You are now ready for my PILATES program and will regain more activity and quality of life.
My Pilates online program is designed for beginners and people with chronic illnesses (e.g. fibromyalgia) who are looking for a gentle introduction to the world of Pilates.
1:1 Fibromyalgia
Personal Training
Do you want more exercise and a more active lifestyle, but you don’t enjoy doing it alone? Are you also unsure which exercises are good for your limitations or how you should start without overexerting yourself?
Let’s train together, conveniently online via Zoom.

1:1 Fibromyalgia
Coaching Program
You no longer want to let fibromyalgia play the leading role in your life? I know from my own experience what it feels like to live with fibromyalgia.
My deep desire as a Certified Fibromyalgia Advisor® and Certified Fibromyalgia Coach®-in-Training is to help you turn from a caterpillar into a butterfly.
Together we will develop customized approaches and easy-to-implement practices that are not only feasible but also effective. Everything we do in the 1:1 coaching program will be tailored to you and your specific situation.
Our goal is to cultivate a lifestyle with fibromyalgia that allows you to not only exist, but thrive again.
Feedback that encourages.
Do you have questions?
I have answers!
What is the difference between the 1:1 Coaching and the movement programs?
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