You are the main character-
not your fibromyalgia!

Are you struggling with fibromyalgia and wondering how to make your daily life easier despite pain, exhaustion, and limitations?

As a fibromyalgia coach and experienced fitness trainer, I support you on your journey to a new sense of well-being – individually, holistically, and with a focus on your personal health and happiness.


Fibromyalgia – or as I call it:
The Invisible Travel Companion


Sleep disturbances and concentration problems

The body no longer truly rests, making it hard to think clearly.


Constant pain and a never ending story of doctors visits

Pain that comes and goes – today here and tomorrow elsewhere.


Your daily life is restricted by the illness

Routine activities become challenges, and life feels heavier than it should.

Why work with me?

I know from personal experience how challenging it can be to live with fibromyalgia. My goal is to show you that you are not alone and that there are ways to make your life easier and more fulfilling.

My Values

  • Health first – Your well-being is the top priority.
  • Perseverance – Even small steps will lead you towards a richer life.
  • Recognition – Focus on what you’ve already achieved, not on what still lies ahead.
Eine Frau sitzt am Strand und zeigt aufs Meer im Kontext von Coaching und Entspannung.

My Offers for You

Frau In Einem Pinken T Shirt Steht In Einem Trainingsraum Und Laechelt.

Movement Programs
(Online Courses)

My online movement programs are specifically designed for people with fibromyalgia. They help you gently get back into motion without overburdening your body.

Frau macht Yoga-Uebung auf einer Matte im Freien, um Fibromyalgie-Symptome zu lindern.

1:1 Fibromyalgia
Personal Training

Gentle exercise training perfectly fitting to your needs. No overexertion – just targeted exercises to strengthen and mobilize your body for a more comfortable daily life.

Frau beim Wandern in den Bergen als Symbol fuer Staerke und Bewaeltigung bei Fibromyalgie.

1:1 Fibromyalgia
Coaching Programm

Individual coaching that really fits to you and your unique life situation. Together, we will create new and effective impulses to positively transform your life with fibromyalgia.

Eine Frau Steht Vor Einer Wand Mit Dekorationen Und Einem Inspirierenden Zitat.

Fibro Blog – Useful Insights

In the Fibro Blog, I regularly share useful tips and inspiration about fibromyalgia to support your journey. From nutrition and self-care to mental well-being – you’ll find valuable guidance for everyday life.

Encouraging Feedback.

Mail from the Wellness Oasis

Receive valuable tips, exercises, and inspiration about fibromyalgia directly in your inbox. Sign up now and stay motivated on your journey to more ease and well-being!

Privacy Policy
Eine Frau im roten Kleid steht vor einem ruhigen Gewaesser mit gruener Umgebung.